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Biomass to Market

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Entreprises & Jobs

'Growing' Green, Rural Jobs

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 Bio-fuels and Bio-renwable Chemicals are not new territories for a team whose members have been developing projects in the sugar, pulp & paper, chemical and ethanol industry for the last 30 years; 12 of which have been spent developing and commercialising biomass processing technology that can handle a variety of feedstock (e.g. agricultural or forest residues, sugarcane/sweet-stem-sorghum bagasse or pulping liquors).

We have found that the key to the creation of a biobased business is not (only) the IP/technology. It is the application our rare knowhow and the connecting of ALL the elements and players in the biomass value-chain. Below we exhibit some practical examples of how this can be done.

Our solutions for biorefining create enterprises in rural areas, which means new jobs!
Our solution offer biobased industries (e.g. sugar or pulp&paper) added value to maintain jobs!

 See how we put this into practice:

Example 1: µ-BioRefinery™


This is a scaled-down version of the GreenEnergyPark™ (see link below). Biorefineries need to be in proximity of a secure supply of feedstock. This can be achieved by co-locating large facilities next to e.g. a sugar mill (see below) or alternatively, build (multiple) smaller plants closer in decentralised rural locations.

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Example 2: Biomass harvesting, transporting and storing

RRS™ (TopTank and CleanBot) by FarmMax, LLC

Our team is complemented by a network of specialists (plant breeders, plant pathologists, farmers, foresters, logistics experts, etc.) whose collective experience enables us to provided solutions for a variety of biomass and their harvesting, transportation and storage requirements.

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Example 3: Co-located at Sugar Mills

Largest Furfural Plant in the World (Dominican Republic) (Picture: DalinYebo)

To extract furfural from bagasse, prior its further processing, is very viable diversification alternative and integrates into new or existing sugar mills, whether they make ethanol, sugar or both. In future (we predict that) bagasse "treated by furfural removal" will also be used as an ideal feedstock for the production of cellulosic ethanol.

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Example 4: Paid4Pretreatment™


DalinYebo's biorefining specifically targets the recovery of the hemicellulose (and the lignins), which then renders a pretreated cellulosic residue as an ideal feedstock for e.g. cellulosic ethanol. Our sole interest is the conversion of the pentosans, i.e. the majority of the hemicelluloses, into value added chemicals, thus removing them from the biomass. For that we have developed greenfields and bolt-on solutions that integrate into existing processes. The resulting residue is then available for downstream processing and can be conditioned for specific applications.

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Important Goals

All of the above examples have common goals, such as:

Creation of rural enterprises (jobs)

Maintaining jobs in the established biomass processing industries (e.g. sugar and pulp)

Extra revenue for (small-scale) farmers

Poverty Alleviation

More @ uThukhela Concept Plan

Socio-economic and Other Solutions

In addition, our approach to biorefining will position any businesses (or country) to offer solutions to:

Food Security

Enterprise Development

 Poverty Alleviation


Sustainability: PPP (People, Plant and Profit)

 Wealth Creation: DalinYebo is Xhosa for wealth creation. It is about empowering people to move beyond the struggle of fulfilling only their basic needs.



in propinquitatem ad biomas



GreenEnergyPark™ Layout

GreenEnergyPark™ consists of simple and profitable applications for the transformation of biomass to energy and/or chemicals