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Hemicellulose Focus
This is according to the US Department of Agriculture the definition for "bio-based".
For DalinYebo the primary interest are agricultural and forestry residues with a high level of hemicellulose (specifically pentosans!), from which we make an industrial platform chemical called furfural. It substitutes many chemicals currently made from oil/coal/gas. Intrinsically coupled with our process it the co-utilisation of energy derived from all the other components of biomass.
From Wikipedia: A hemicellulose is any of several heteropolymers (matrix polysaccharides), such as arabinoxylans (pentosans), present along with cellulose in almost all plant cell walls. While cellulose is crystalline, strong, and resistant to hydrolysis, hemicellulose has a random, amorphous structure with little strength. It is easily hydrolyzed by dilute acid or base as well as myriad hemicellulase enzymes.