Strict Standards: Declaration of getcbrecaptchaTab::getDisplayRegistration() should be compatible with cbTabHandler::getDisplayRegistration($tab, $user, $ui, $postdata) in /home/dalinyebo/public_html/old/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbrecaptcha/cbrecaptcha.php on line 0
Strict Standards: Declaration of getIpLogTab::getDisplayTab() should be compatible with cbTabHandler::getDisplayTab($tab, $user, $ui) in /home/dalinyebo/public_html/old/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbiplog/iplog.php on line 0
International Furan Technology
International Furan Technology (Pty) Ltd ("IFT") is an
Our knowhow enables us to connect all the "dots" and provide complete technology & business solutions for the manufacture of furfural. DalinYebo initiated and manages this 2001 technology start-up company. Within the DalinYebo group of companies, IFT focuses on the development and support of technologies and projects for:independent developer and implementer of furfural process technologies.
the manufacture of bio-renewable chemicals (e.g. furfural and its many by-products) and/or
the (co-) generation of electricity.
The IFT team received several awards for its contribution towards developing the bioscience sector in South Africa, e.g.:
-> Science and Technology (Ministerial) Award
-> Top Technology 100 Enterprise