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Knowhow (Scope of Services)
DalinYebo shares its intellectual capital (e.g. market, products, technology, CAPEX and OPEX data) under a fee-for-service agreement e.g. for scoping studies, viability assessments, diagnostic studies, project development plans, process design packages, pre-feasibility studies, bankable feasibility studies, marketing & sales plans and business plans.
Our competent & talented professionals have a strong technology core and global understanding of the furfural industry specifically and solid technical expertise in the bio-renewables space in general. Our engineers, scientists and project professionals have been involved in the chemical industry (furfural/sugar, ethanol, pulp & paper, etc.) and in electricity generation from direct combustion (i.e. steam generation/steam turbine projects in the sugar and pulp and paper industry), since the 1970s.
The gallery below exhibits examples of our work. Click here to read more about the key points relating to the capacity of our human resources.